Policy review, Term 4 2022
November 7, 2022
Please review this term’s policies.
Kia ora everyone,
I hope your week is going well.
As part of our ongoing review process, the school is required (by law) to seek feedback each term on one (or more) of its key policies. Each of our key policies are scheduled for review once every 3 years.
This term we are reviewing our “Health, Safety and Welfare” policy and “Alcohol, Drugs and Other Harmful Substances” policy. The review is open until the end of the term.
To find our policies:
Click on this link https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/ (or google “school docs”).
Search for “Waimate High School” (or you can use this link to go straight there)
Log in using the following details – username “waimate-high” password “learning“.
To see what policies are under review, click the “under review button”
Click on a policy and if you wish to submit feedback then click on the red “under review button”. The feedback can be anonymous or you can add your name.
A link to the School Docs site will also be available through our school website.
We will be inviting you to comment on our policies each term, as part of our review cycle and I encourage you to participate. Any feedback is collated and reviewed by the Board for consideration.
Have a great day,